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"Bear ye one another's burdens

and so fulfill the law of Christ."

Galatians 6:2

On March 13th 2013, Brad and Robin Bannister received news their eldest son Drew had been in a horrific car crash in Sanford, Florida. Drew, or "Drewby" had been staying there with two friends. Tragically Drew and his two friends were fatally injured during the crash. 

The struggles Brad and Robin encountered trying to bring Drew home to his final resting place was an enormous challenge and financial hardship. The way the community around Brad and Robin responded became overwhelming. Drew's Plot was originally donated to the family, unexpectedly. This act of love in a time of pain and sadness was so life breathing in navigating a life lost. 

Drew's Plots eventually grew and the idea to help more families in finial crisis after losing a loved one became very real and very needed. Drews Plots continues to bless families through the blessings of the community continuing to come together. 

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